“If one way is better than another, then be sure it’s the way of nature”


Our Mission

Our ambition for the future is to build a world in which the quality of life is boosted by implementing our ideas and projects. We are a trusted partner for customers interested in preventing, mitigating and eliminating environmental pollution – bringing together the know-how, expertise and skills of the Environment Manager team.

Vali Dragomir

General Manager, environment expert and directly involved in environment protection in Romania

„Personally, I believe that the field of environmental protection must be represented by professional environmental consulting services and provided by qualified experts that are dedicated to protect nature.
We, assume the sustainable implementation of the environmental projects within your company, providing professional analysis services of the environmental legislation as well as the analysis of the impact of the new environmental legal conditions by offering professional environmental solutions for your company.

We are glad to have in our portfolio clients that have a proactive attitude in the field of environmental protection, clients wich respect the environmental obligations imposed by the environmental authorizations as well as Corporate clients who apply the implementation of international projects at the level of activities carried out in Romania.

We operate in the market in the form of a mixed team of environmental experts, as an environmental expertise body built on sustainable and sustainable principles based on experience and dedication in the field of environmental protection.

ManagerdeMediu offers environmental consulting solutions, dedicated and customized based on international considerations, which I consider to be uniquely implemented in the Romanian profile market.„

About Us

Who we are

Who we are

We are a team of professionals with over 10 years of experience in environmental management and environmental corporate consultancy services who will provide a comprehensive range of integrated environmental consulting and environmental operational consulting services nationwide.

We support small and large organisations in the public and private sectors to assess, quantify and manage their relationship with the environment. Thus, in the context of new environmental regulations, we offer competitive solutions for customers directly interested in minimising the environmental footprint of the activities carried out.

Our team is ready to find sustainable solutions to solve the environmental problems in your company, with sustainable environmental solutions.

What we offer

What we offer

We take over the environmental responsibilities of companies active on the Romanian market by providing a modern concept of integrated environmental services, a unique package adaptable both for the corporate environment and for the smaller domestic companies.

Your company can avoid fines by choosing environmental consulting solutions provided by environmental experts. We offer a wide range of service packages that show a degree of adaptability depending on the specifics of the partner involved in the regulatory and normalisation process of the relationship with the environment.

The services offered by our team include: environmental analyses, environmental consulting, waste management through proper waste management, implementation of environmental projects, follow-up of active and ongoing environmental projects, as well as analysis of compliance of the activity performed with the environmental obligations stipulated by national legislation.

Our Services


Environmental Manager Team specialists are prepared to cope with all the challenges in the field, so their extensive expertise covers all areas of assessment in environmental protection. Environmental Consultancy at the level of the Romanian business market based on adaptive offers, professionalism and environmental attitude.


ManagerdeMediu.ro, team supports green initiatives, small and large scale environmental projects and the full vision of integrating the activities of Romanian companies into the active environmental protection process.


We take the responsibility for functional environmental protection processes and ensure full and competitive support for permitting, enforcing environmental responsibilities and successfully validating authorization and representation procedures in the public-private partnership between Environmental Protection Authorities and your company.

Our Services


Environmental Manager Team specialists are prepared to cope with all the challenges in the field, so their extensive expertise covers all areas of assessment in environmental protection. Environmental Consultancy at the level of the Romanian business market based on adaptive offers, professionalism and environmental attitude.


ManagerdeMediu.ro, team supports green initiatives, small and large scale environmental projects and the full vision of integrating the activities of Romanian companies into the active environmental protection process.


We take the responsibility for functional environmental protection processes and ensure full and competitive support for permitting, enforcing environmental responsibilities and successfully validating authorization and representation procedures in the public-private partnership between Environmental Protection Authorities and your company.

Managerdemediu is a certified company

TUV Thuringen

Romanian railway authority AFER between 2023-2028

ISO14001:2005 for the Environmental Management Sistem