Contact with Environmental Authorities

Contact with Environmental Authorities

Representation Services Environmental Authorities. Competence of the Environmental Manager team and its ability to maintain the direct relationship between the beneficiaries and the National Environmental Authorities, through the allocation of specialised services to take on environmental responsibilities.

Taking full responsibility for the environment at the level of the activity carried out by your company, representation in the relationship with the environmental authorities in Romania.

We provide you with the necessary documents from the authorities in the field of Water Management and from the regulatory authorities in the field of environmental protection, so by providing representation services in relation to environmental authorities, there is the possibility of supporting your projects in the environmental authorization process.

Implementation of the methodology for calculating contributions and taxes that taxpayers have to declare and pay at the Environmental Fund, as manufacturers or importers of packaged products are directly responsible for primary, secondary and tertiary packaging waste produced.

About Environmental Authorities

We ensure the implementation of the specific and necessary response systems within the relationship with the active factors involved within the environmental protection authorities as well as the fulfillment of the specific reporting obligations on their behalf to the Environmental Authorities. We support the documentation of approval, authorization in the field of environmental protection through operative environmental consulting services.

The Romanian business sector needs to consider establishing competent connections at the level of the environmental authorities, while the presence of an environmental manager is needed in order to fulfil the reporting obligations, legal obligations, and the development of joint projects with them, who supports the Romanian business sector with the Representation Service in relation with the Environmental Protection Agency and others.

The smooth running of joint projects between companies and environmental authorities, fulfilling environmental reporting obligations at the organisational level, assessing, analysing and preparing responses to letters from authorities are an integral part of the daily activities that our team carry out, being able to add value within private companies in maintaining a high level environmental standard.

Our Services

Discover our full line of services and what we can do for you

Environmental Audits – Waste Audits

Environmental Management Plans

Environmental studies

Environmental Factor Analysis

Waste management

Environmental Authorisation

Environmental Audits – Waste Audits

  • Environmental Audits and Conformity Audit
  • Waste Audits and Waste Identification and Characterisation Processes
  • Program for prevention and reduction of waste generated from current activity, including measures to reduce the hazardousness of waste generated
  • Waste Disposal Minimisation Studies and Waste Audits

Environmental studies

  • Environmental Studies
  • Accidental pollution assessment studies
  • Biodiversity monitoring studies
  • CO2 Footprint Minimisation Studies

Environmental Factor Analysis

  • Environmental factors quality analysis and monitoring
  • Best Environmental Practice and Best Available Techniques
  • Field studies and site investigations
  • Inventory of flora and fauna species
  • Noise studies and pollutant dispersion studies

Environmental Authorisation

  • Preparation of the Environmental Integrated Authorisation application Form (EIA)
  • Site Report
  • Providing paperwork that you may need

  • Raport de Amplasament
  • Anual visa for Environment Authorisation

  • Consulting services for obtaining the Envinronment Authorisation

Environmental Management Plans

  • Environmental Management Plans and Programs
  • SEVESO Plan or Internal Emergency Plan

Waste management

  • Record of Waste Management
  • Notification to the Territorial Labour Inspectorate (in Ro “ITM”)
  • Preparing Dangerous Substances
  • Consultancy on Ensuring Transfer of Responsibility